Thursday 17 March 2016

Tick All The Boxes With Integrated Management System ISO 9001

What do you consider to be more important in running a business - quality, health and safety, or the environment?

The correct answer is . . . all of them!

Breaking businesses down into separate components, and managing each one separately, is not actually the best way of doing business. It not only makes more work in managing all these separate areas, but also takes up more time and money.

The most efficient way to manage a business is by integrating all systems into one, increasing success and decreasing cost and downtime.

Businesses run on principles and, if those principles run right across the organisation, then surely it is better to integrate them, which is why many businesses are now considering Integrated Management System ISO 9001.

Better results

Integrated management system training will show staff and management that better results are achieved when they all work together towards a common goal.

The beauty of an integrated system - and something that has been created by ISO - is the ability to combine quality (ISO 9001), health and safety (OHSAS 18001 training), and the environment (Environmental Management System ISO 14001).

All three are inter-connected, and all three need to be working in unison for a business to be successful.

One of the main things all three have in common is risk management. Risk certainly applies to workplace health and safety, and poor risk management can lead to disaster.

But that also applies to the environment. Risk assessment and management is a crucial part of reducing our impact on the environment and protecting the planet.

Don't risk it

And if you take risks with the quality of your products and services, you risk losing customers.

ISO Standards are regular reviewed and updated and there are several new versions either just out or coming soon. As they are updated, the process of integration becomes easier, helping organisations to reduce documentation, as there are many common clauses; reduce repetition of processes; reduce the cost of certification, and make the whole system easier to manage.

As our market place expands and becomes more global, and as competition increases, organisations need to stay one step ahead - especially if they wish to win government contracts and tenders, or supply major companies.

Certification to ISO and integrated management system training will help organisations achieve this, and enhance their reputation in the marketplace.

Remember, people believe what they read and, with ISO certification branded on your product, it's a clear indication that you have an excellent business. 

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